Understanding Me Understanding You

Few of us are truly adept at communicating. We take for granted that what we say or do is clearly understood by others. In turn, we think we fully understand others, when in fact we don’t. As a result of miscommunication, we make assumptions, react inappropriately and have expectations that can’t be met. This program goes right to the heart of what it means to be an effective communicator.

Understanding Me – Understanding You is dedicated to mastering the art and science of interpersonal communication. It is one of the most essential skills in one's professional toolkit. In this program, participants will be exposed to an enlightened approach to effective interpersonal communication, and will practice their new-found skills by engaging in interactive exercises.

The research upon which this program is developed, is based on the assumption that there is no one best way of dealing with situations, but that differing approaches and different people have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. The better able we are to understand and appreciate our differences as people and to learn how to meld our differing approaches together, the more effective we will be when working together.

  • Specifically, in a short period of time, participants will learn and acquire or reinforce some of the most critical features of communication. They are:

    • Proactively communicate so that others understand you clearly

    • Listen to others in a way that understands them clearly

    • Understand and listen for differences in communication styles

    • Respond to those differences effectively

    • Motivate and inspire others by speaking their "language"

  • Phase One of the program focuses on providing participants with the two key features of effective communication: assertion skills and listening skills.

    • Assertion skills has to do with the kinds of communication that produces an immediate and clear impact in the listener.

    • Listening skills has to do with hearing another in a way that matches the intention of the communicator.

    Phase Two helps participants have a deeper understanding of how different personality/behavior styles directly impact their communication effectiveness. For years, researchers and experts in the field of human interaction have been seeking ways of understanding how personality and behavioral styles impact the workplace. Their efforts have led them to design instruments that look at psychological factors that affect working relationships. Understanding Me – Understanding You is based on over 50 years of in-depth research on differing personality/behavioral styles and has been perhaps the single most powerful way of learning about these styles affect interpersonal effectiveness.

    Understanding Me – Understanding You, and the research upon which it is developed, is based on the assumption that there is no one best way of dealing with situations, but that differing approaches and different people have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. The better able we are to understand and appreciate our differences as people and to learn how to meld our differing approaches together, the more effective we will be when working together.

  • If you would like to join this workshop or you would like to find out more, please reach out to us at martha@marthaborst.com

    Or fill out our contact form here.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

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