Understanding Me Understanding You Assessment
A Key to Self Mastery
Discover Who You Are
There are four basic personality styles. Each of us exhibit characteristics from all four. However, we each have a Dominant and a Backup style that define our behavioral tendencies. Each style Driver, Promoter, Supporter and Analyzer “speaks their own language”. Understanding your style helps you communicate more effectively with others. When you take the time to learn about the other styles you can interact with everyone more effectively.
The Benefits of this Assessment are…
Improved awareness of your attributes from discovering your unique dominate and backup style
An understand of how to better collaborate with teammates and others in your life by understanding your unique style
Identify areas for growth to set your personal development goals
Improved performance at work and in life when you learn how to apply your styles in every part of your life
Success in spite of your weaknesses, with concepts and strategies that help you manage -- not fix -- what you don’t do best so you can focus on getting the most from your strengths
Choose the Report
That’s Right for You
Bronze Package
The Bronze Package is for people who want a basic understanding of their personality
Dominant and Backup style combination.
It offers you:
Introduction to set the context
The basic description of your Dominant and Backup style
The basic way you relate in relationships
The basic way you assert and respond to others and situations
An Introvert/Extrovert Assessment
2 Bonus fun scenarios
This package does NOT include:
An In-depth description of your Dominate or Back-up style
Complete descriptions of all four styles
Insights to improve your relationships with people with other styles
Quick References Guides for all four styles
Silver Package
The Silver Package is for people who want to do a deep dive into their Dominant style.
It offers you ALL of the Bronze Package PLUS:
A basic description of all four styles, how they work together and how they each operate under stress.
An in-depth description of your Dominant style – your wants, needs, greatest fears, how you best respond, problem solve, learn, connect with personal power, excel, express emotion, are most/least effective, get motivated/drained, maintain control
and much moreAn in-depth description of your strengths, positive attributes, ways you limit yourself, behavioral, tendencies, limiting behaviors, over-played drama that hurts you and a detailed analysis of what you most need to learn to own your personal power
What your Dominant style needs to do to improve your relationships with people with other dominant styles
Discover the Famous people your style and more fun scenarios
Gold Package
The Gold Package is for people who want to have a deep understanding of themselves AND also want to learn how to be most effective with the styles of other people.
The Gold Package offers the ENTIRE Bonze and Silver Packages PLUS:
A thorough and complete description of your Backup style for a total understanding of your Dominant and Backup personality profile.
A thorough and complete description of ALL FOUR STYLES in all areas listed above
A Quick Reference Guide for ALL FOUR STYLES – INVALUABLE!
A Quick Reference Guide on the 3 R’s of Relationships: how ALL FOUR STYLES Relate and React to each other and what your Dominant and Backup style needs to Remember to do with each of the
four styles in order to assure successful connection.