Team Development Workshop

This workshop helps organizations build cohesive teams that have a clear understanding of why they exist and how they will accomplish their purpose with excellence. Ideal for teams just forming, for teams that are being combined or for teams that are in a state of change.

The definition of team: A small number of people with complimentary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approaches for which they hold themselves mutually accountable sounds simple enough but is perhaps one of the most challenging constructs of human interaction in the business world – and one of the most critical.

Based on the premise that Ten Factors must be present and operating in excellence for true teamwork to flourish with success, Team Development II is designed as a stand alone workshop or ideally as a follow-up to the workshop, Self Mastery–Team Development I.

  • In this highly interactive workshop, filled with experiential learning, large and small group discussions, inspirational videos (not those “old HR films’), fun and creativity, the Ten Factors of Teamwork are presented and participants:

    • Practice how to “think” team (not just “do” team) – one for all and all for one

    • Determine/understand their common purpose and performance goals

    • Identify their individual roles and specific responsibilities

    • Discuss and identify direction for goal achievement

    • Develop/deepen trust between all members

    • Increase personal competence through integrity, accountability, collaboration, willingness to play a big game

    • Identify technical or other skills needed and what support required

    • Learn how to communicate effectively - feedback, e-mails, performance evaluation, data, facts, charts

    • Identify Standards of Excellence – develop team Operating Principles and personal action plans based on the workshop discoveries

    • Will generate genuine team spirit and fun

    • Decide how to monitor results through course correction as well as support and recognition

  • Prior to workshop delivery, it is recommended:

    • To conduct one day of interviews with random participants

    • For each participant to take the Understanding Me – Understanding Your personality/behavioral assessment.

  • If you would like to join this workshop or you would like to find out more, please reach out to us at

    Or fill out our contact form here.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

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