Your Survival Skills

Are Killing You

Companies frequently spend huge sums of money on strategic planning and frequently overlook the vital importance and influence of their culture. The implementation of any corporate strategy is ultimately in the hands of your people, and how they conduct themselves is completely determined by the context of your culture. A clear framework of thinking and empowering attitudes lead to decisive action, bring alignment to teams, build collaboration and help people. Your company will thrive when your employees are united, focused and possess an attitude of success.

How to Create Corporate Cultures that are based in Clarity, Collaboration and Commitment

A clear framework of thinking and the attitudes of your people lead to decisive action, bring alignment to teams, build collaboration and help people to focus on what to do, how to do it and what is important now. Your company will thrive when your people are united, focused and possess an attitude of success.

Underlying all effective human interactions in the world, are Eight Principles that are critical for a thriving mentality. When embraced and effectively acted upon, they form the basis of all interpersonal mastery. On a deep level, we are all aware of these principles, yet too frequently our ego survival fears of looking bad, making a mistake, being rejected, losing control, not being liked, etc. drive us into our survival strategies.

In order to feel powerful or look powerful (i.e. survive), we cover up mistakes, withhold information, don't ask for support, gossip, dominate, manipulate, control, form sides and silos and so on. In short, we allow our fear-driven survival strategies to limit us and this ultimately hurts ourselves and others. Lackluster results soon follow and the organization falls short of its goals.

The Eight Principles are grounded in ancient wisdom proven by time to be the critical ingredients for success. Combined with state-of-the art practical applications, participants quickly learn how to thrive in business and life, not just survive.

  • In this lively, fun, fast passed, challenging and intellectually stimulating program, senior executives, managers and individual contributors will:

    • Learn to tap into their unlimited potential

    • Reduce judgment, improve listening, be more willing to entertain other viewpoints

    • Focus on producing results and let go of being "right"

    • Let go of controlling everything, take risks, and collaborate with others

    • Understand the instinctual nature of survival thinking and how it is individually formed

    • Identify their own survival strategy and what it is costing them personally and professionally

    • Realize the prices that others and the organization also pay for these tactics

    • Learn how to access their Inner Wisdom, move through their fears and go beyond surviving to thriving

    • Learn The Eight Principles for thriving and how to practically apply them

    • Learn how to deal effectively with change, people they don't like, and uncertainty

    • More effectively interact and communicate with others to achieve desired results

    • Learn how to move from a Command and Control Culture to a Clear, Collaborative Committed Culture

    • Become empowered, proactive, accountable, responsible players

    • Kill the victim

    • Design a clear set of Operating Principles

    • Form an Action Plan for immediate implementation of the Eight Principles

  • The three day workshop, Your Survival Strategies are Killing You, is a unique, experiential, educational program that surpasses the traditional didactic techniques. It supplements conceptual understanding with deep, practical and applicable learning. This exciting and unforgettable program is interactive in nature and provides innovative experiential exercises, role playing, case studies, some lecture, writing and lively, open discussions.

  • If you would like to join this workshop or you would like to find out more, please reach out to us at

    Or fill out our contact form here.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

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