More Time and Energy Workshop

Have you ever wished for a 30 hr. work week? Do you leave things undone that you should do and do things that you really don’t need to? Are important things slipping through the cracks? Do you procrastinate with things you know you should do? Do you feel out of balance, guilty, discouraged, overwhelmed and drained of energy? Do you hear yourself say, “If I just had more time…?”

We have the amount of time we have and that’s that. But the mistake most people make is thinking that if they learn how to manage time and they sign up for a time management course that gives them many time management “tools”, everything with change. However, these tools only work for a short period. It isn’t long before the unfinished tasks pile up and overwhelm and self-loathing returns. This is because they are working on the wrong thing and no matter how hard you work on the wrong thing, it makes no difference!

Time cannot be expanded and time cannot be managed. The solution lies in managing yourself. To achieve higher levels of personal productivity, you must learn how to manage two things: 1) the way you think about time and 2) your old time management habits and behaviors.

  • The results you have in your life right now are a direct result of how you think. Your thinking drives actions and actions produce results. Self-management comes about through a process of first understanding your own self sabotaging thoughts and behaviors that undermine your success. More Time and Energy is a unique program that deals with your self-awareness first and then gives you the guidance and tools that allow you to maximize your time and talents to achieve worthwhile goals based on sound thinking and effective actions.

    When you relieve yourself of the burdensome weight of ineffectiveness, your energy returns, you step back into the driver’s seat and raise your personal productivity bar. It will feel like you have more time because you will be 1) in control of your self-limiting behaviors, 2) eliminating time wasters and 3) utilizing the effective time saving tools.

    What can you expect to learn?

    • A deeper awareness of how you are sabotaging yourself and how to change that

    • An understanding of the power of your thinking

    • The five basic bays to generate energy

    • The five things you must do to Self Mange time and energy

    • How to plan effectively

    • The art of delegation

    • The power of accountability

    • Completion - the biggest time waster is not finishing what you start

    • How to prioritize – learn what to hold on to and what to let go of

    • The three ways to make better use of your time

    • The six common self-generated time wasters and what to do about them

    • The five common environmental time wasters and what to do about them

  • Throughout the program are experiential exercises, surveys, self-awareness quizzes, some lecture, many practical real-life examples and lots of sharing and discussion of specific personal problem issues. The environment is stimulating, fun and highly enlightening. You will walk out with an Action Plan in hand and a renewed commitment to get things done with a fresh outlook and plenty of energy.

  • If you would like to join this workshop or you would like to find out more, please reach out to us at

    Or fill out our contact form here.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

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